
Small Little League World Series crowds still making big noises

Taylor, Mich., shortstop Lucas Farner fields a ball hit by Abilene, Texas’ Carter Nelson during the fifth inning at the Little League World Series in South Williamsport, Pa., on Monday. (AP photo)

SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — Hunter Nepple’s game-tying three-run homer in the bottom of the sixth inning had Nebraska’s cheering section screaming and stomping their feet at Lamade Stadium.

Hawaii’s 3-0 lead had evaporated with one swing, but its fans were eager to respond once pitcher Micah Bennett got the team from Honolulu out of the inning. Nebraska’s and Hawaii’s sections of the ballpark took turns belting out hometown cheers, an impromptu who-can-be-loudest contest in a game that wound up as an 11-3 Hawaii victory in seven innings Sunday.

Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Little League World Series games have only had a few hundred family and friends in the stands this year. Turns out they were the ones making a lot of the noise in the first place.

“Even with the smaller crowds, it really hasn’t diminished our experience at all,” said Stan Budarz, father of Jacob Budarz of the Connecticut team. “You can generate a lot of energy and the way the acoustics are in the stands, I think it sounds pretty loud even though it’s not the hugest crowd.”

The reduced capacity crowds permitted at Volunteer and Lamade stadiums have created an intimate experience for everyone involved.

While these 12-year-olds are still appearing on nationally televised ESPN broadcasts, they’re doing so in a more familiar and relatable setting. It was pointed out how the opening days of the LLWS have been reminiscent of hometown Little League games.

Longtime LLWS fan Erin Smith of nearby Hughesville definitely noticed a dip in energy at the ballpark this year. She got a section pass since her dad volunteers at the stadiums.


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